

The Chakra Collection provides crystals for the main seven chakras within our bodies. Our chakras are in or out of balance at all times.

Chakras:  There are 7 main chakras within our body that are either in, or out of balance at all times.  Each chakra has a corresponding color.  Starting at the pelvic area and working upwards; Root (red), Sacral (orange), Solar (yellow), Heart (green), Throat (blue), Brow/3rd Eye (violet), and Crown (purple or white).

This collection has been designed to be used either by placing the corresponding stone on the corresponding chakra while lying down, or by holding an individual stone while in a sitting position.

When using your crystals, bring awareness to how your body is feeling, and focus on the particular chakra that feels out of alignment.  For example, your throat may feel as is something is stuck meaning your throat chakra may be blocked, or you may have scattered thoughts and are needing to ground through your root chakra.