

Properties: Emotional balance, Intuition, Serenity

Rainbow Moonstone is a form of feldspar and is related to Labradorite.  The name Rainbow Moonstone was coined by the lapidary industry in the 1980’s to describe the flashes of color within the stone. Rainbow Moonstone (and other feldspar crystals) get a flash when two various types of felspar mix together and cool, arranging themselves in alternating layers.

Rainbow Moonstone can be found all over the world, with substantial deposits in Canada, Australia, India, Madagascar, Russia, and Sri Lanka.

Once called “The Traveler’s Stone”, Moonstone is used for protection against the headaches of travel. Rainbow Moonstone has a divine feminine energy which is balancing, meditative, insightful, and lunar.  It is capable of helping with the changing cycles in one’s life on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.  Rainbow Moonstone is used with both the Third Eye and the Crown Chakras during meditation as it calms the mind from chatter that affects our meditative state.  It allows us to “BE” without distraction, allowing intuition to be opened and developed

**Price is per individual stone