

Apache Tears are a type of Obsidian, which appear rough and opaque, but are usually translucent when held up to a light source.

Apache Tears received their name as it is said that as grieving Apache women cried, their tears fell to the ground and took the form of Black Obsidian.  Because of the lore, Apache Tears are said to protect the wearer from grief and sorrow. The Apache Tears will absorb the grief and release old hurts, lifting the spirit.

Apache Tears allow you to forgive others without being bitter and helps one to see into the core of an issue to assist with deep healing.

Apache Tears can help to relieve stress by bringing opportunities for positive change into your sights so that you can formulate a plan of action. This can bring a sense of hope to a dire circumstance.

Carrying an Apache Tear brings protection from all types of negative energies, including psychic attacks by removing and transmute these energies, clearing the way for more positive vibrations.

Use Apache Tear for grounding purposes, or to balance the root chakra.

**Price is per stone.