

Properties:  Strength, Balance, Release

Dessert Rose, AKA: Sand Rose, Selenite Rose, or Gypsum Rose, forms when sand particles become embedded in gypsum to form rosette-like stones.

A desert rose gypsum cluster is a type of rock formation that is composed of gypsum crystals that have grown together in a cluster. Gypsum is a soft, white or translucent mineral that is composed of calcium sulfate dihydrate. It is a common mineral that can be found in many parts of the world, including desert regions.

Desert rose gypsum clusters are formed when gypsum crystals grow in a cluster, typically in a bed of sand. As the crystals grow, they absorb water and other minerals from the surrounding sand, which can give them a variety of colors, including shades of pink, red, orange, yellow, and white. The resulting cluster of crystals has a distinctive, rose-like appearance, hence the name "desert rose."

Desert rose gypsum clusters are often used for decorative purposes and can be found in a variety of forms, including tumbled stones, polished points or spheres, and rough or unpolished chunks. They are also used in crystal healing practices, where they are believed to have certain energies or properties that can be harnessed for physical, emotional, or spiritual benefit

Dessert rose is said to be used to increase self-confidence and self-worth, as well as to help provide calming effects with those who suffer from claustrophobia.  This stone can help to deal with grief and the emotions that come with losing a loved one, allowing the bereaved to process their feelings and to let go. Dessert Rose is said to hold a spirit guardian which aids in meditation and assists with psychic development.

*Price is per cluster.