The Mini Cleansing Bundle includes all the tools needed for clearing and releasing energies that don't belong.
Properties of Sage: Natural antibacterial, removes unwanted energies, calming
Sage is used in various Indigenous ceremonies to seek blessings of health and prosperity, to release lingering energies and for protection. The smoke from sage attaches itself to heavy negative energies and carries it away, allowing for restoration of intuitive balance and grounding.
Properties of Palo Santo: Ceremonial Cleansing, Removes Negativity
In Spanish it is called Palo Santo, meaning “Holy Wood” or “Holy Stick”. It produces an uplifting high vibrational smoke that allow for a deeper connection to the Source of all creation. Palo Santo keeps energies grounded and clear, and is energetically cleansing with healing properties.
Properties of Selenite / Satin Spar: Spiritual Connection, High Vibration, Consciousness
Selenite (aka: Satin Spar) comes in many colors and appears in many shapes, but all attributes remain the same with this crystallized gypsum stone. Selenite provides clarity of the mind, opening the crown chakra and allowing for expansion of one’s awareness. This stone encourages deep peace and is excellent for meditation and spiritual work. When using Selenite in a grid within the corners of your home, it creates a safe space that keeps unaligned energy out. Use Selenite as a wand to sweep through your aura and detach the energy that does not belong to you.
To use this product: Light the stick of sage or Palo Santo with a lighter, match, or candle and gently blow out the flames. Using the smoke the item produces, move around the space you would like to cleanse, allowing it to make its way into corners. If needed, you may move the smoke by waving it with your hand, or with a tool such as a feather or a fan. When finished, place the stick in a fire proof container. The glow will end on its own unless you blow on the ember which will keep the smoke going. Always use caution and respect when working with fire.