

Properties: Spiritual Connection, High Vibration, Consciousness

Selenite comes in many colors and appears in many shapes, but all attributes remain the same with this crystallized gypsum stone.  Selenite provides clarity of the mind, opening the crown chakra and allowing for expansion of one’s awareness. This stone encourages deep peace and is excellent for meditation and spiritual work.  When using Selenite in a grid within the corners of your home, it creates a safe space that keeps unaligned energy out.

Chakras:  There are 7 main chakras within our body that are either in, or out of balance at all times.  Each chakra has a corresponding color.  Starting at the pelvic area and working upwards; Root (red), Sacral (orange), Solar (yellow), Heart (green), Throat (blue), Brow/3rd Eye (violet), and Crown (purple or white).